Commentary Intellectual Property Rights

All of the articles found herein are copyrighted and are the intellectual property of Mr. Meier. They have been used by me through the years as training material,some of them having been posted on bulletin boards in my dojos since the1970’s. No part of these articles may be reproduced in any form electronic or other […]


History Of Dai Ichi Karate

The following treatise is gleaned from a conversation with Sensei Austin Box May 2010 Sensei Austin Box started his martial arts practice with judo in 1957 when he was an airman as a part of the Strategic Air Command, U.S. Air Force. After practicing judo for over a year, he was introduced in 1959 to […]


A story about Sensei Box

The following may sound like an”Indian story”, and it is.  But actually, it is also karate instruction, Box style.  It is one thing to sit in your easy chair and read the story, but another thing to practice while in bear country. When our people used to be in the mountains, a long time ago, […]


Self-Defense vs Contests

The difference between self-defense and fighting, contests, police work, or training exercises – Mr. Gichin Funakoshi: Karate ni senti nashi – The First Rule of Self-defense is: kesekki waza, not present where troubleis happening – Proverbs 25:8 Go not forth hastily to strive, lest thou know not what todo in the end thereof, when thy […]


Elements of An Attach

(Please note: the author would welcome any criticism, discussion or suggestion to the following article) As an attack starts, the attacker is making all of the decisions, and is in possession of all of the “elements of an attack” that give him the advantage. If the defender knows how, he can take possession of most […]


Process of An Attach

The theory presented below was accumulated from watching and observing attackers over the years in a training environment. It is my own research and observation especially of self observation while in the attackers position. The subject below discusses the passionate attacker, not a dispassionate attacker. A passionate attacker is one who attacks because he is […]


Tactics of Attack

The following tactics can be used with many techniques.  Under some of these points I have listed several techniques to illustrate the usage of the tactic, but these tactics are not limited to these techniques only. 1. Simple Attack. This is where the black belts live, as they are dependent upon more thantechnique for success. […]


What is karate physically

The following articles are an explanation of the efficient application of physics to human physiology, with the observance of economy of energy. These articles will in no wise exhaust the subject. Firstly we will examine the waste of energy due to an error in tactics according to economy of energy in motion. Kicking: – a […]


Stories – Mostly True

I present these stories for your entertainment, and also, to some degree as a tool of learning.  Perhaps the reader can learn some important lesson from them.  They are told here to the best of my memory.  I do not guarantee that my faulty memory has not embellished them, but I have tried to tell […]


What is Karate

Morally: Karate is a discipline of both mind and body. It is not primarily a method with which to learn to fight, or give one a feeling of physical superiority over others. This attitude is purely egotistical and defies the way the Dai Ichi Karate Association is trying to teach karate. True, karate is an […]